1. CARROTS / 11.22.2017

︎ Almost two months after getting married, I began what would become a nearly 6 year series of playlists documenting my experiences when I had no where else to discuss these things. At this time, I’d make an Instagram post and story with all the songs, a short poem, and seems like instructions on how to engage with the playlist. It looks as if I wanted to people to take a song from the playlist and build your own playlist around it. I thought it could be like a recipe sharing club. All the pieces that make up a life.

ex b
ex c
︎ No hint of what was to come, just young excitement. Early Fall in the Hudson Valley, just returned from a short visit to New Orleans, these songs kept the hearth lit as we built our life in the Northeast.
︎ This was just one beginning, which means an ending. I am trying to tell you something.
2. ONIONS / 11.30.2017

︎ How often is there an opportunity to revist the evolution of your own project? Am I even old enough to be giving commentary on the things I have made in my own life? I love how everything all kinda builds on itself like a katamari ball.Bro
︎ At some point, I stopped including Instructions and Ingredients, left out the small poems, the tracklist, kept only the songs. That is where I ended, but over the years I played with other ideas. A few RDG’s had Google Drive folders associated, still do.
3. Squash / 12.10.2017

︎ Some of this is cringe now, but it was all how I learned. The format has remained the same for the first three editions. Not even the font has changed. There are typos, little mistakes, like spelling Mega Bog wrong.
︎ Just past Thanksgiving–cold, but not yet winter’s winter.
︎ familial and easy, years before covid, funny to think whatever was hurting our hearts at the time would pale when faced with what was coming ︎
︎I’d say it ends on a high note.
4. Herbs / 12.30.2017

︎ There is something I remember from this one. Walking the dog before the snow had started. Muddy trails between the deciduous trees. No one around, able to explore. Nothing there, the quiet is pervasive until my boots become stuck in the mud. The sound of the squish and suction.

︎What was I hoping to find in these songs? A sense of release? I was trying to tell you something, but had lost my voice. Earlier in the year I had participated in what would be last act of my writing career and by this point had nearly stopped writing. A few poems came at the Copake house, but it was mostly drawing, playlists, baths in the heart room, watching movies on our phone because the satellite internet was so bad, listening to the tree fogs and the cattle guards sing to the herd.
5. Ginger + Tumeric / 01.02.2018

︎ No more instructions, just the ingredients. I have NO idea what I was thinking with design on this one. 😂️ I’m also curious why two playlists within days of one another.
︎ I think I wanted to show the different music I listened to? This one influenced by my love for funk and soul, the others by folk and rock. Also, the warmth here. This was just the start of winter, my 2nd in the Hudson Valley, I knew I needed something to keep me warm.

︎ This cover is so scary, why? But reminds my somewhat of the Biggie Smalls album. I can imagine myself feeling frustrated with what I was seeing in my head for design and my ability to execute.
︎ Thinking of the ice floes, how Seth would set mic’s underwater to catch them rubbing against each other. Thinking of that friction.